What would it be like?
Looking Inward
Imagine looking at our own dark spaces from a place of love and compassion. Think what the world could be like if we could be kind to ourselves.
What if we lived in a place where diversity and individuality were celebrated? What if we looked at people through the lens of acceptance? How would our lives change if we made our own meaning and measuring metrics. What if we as a human race were committed to finding love in all others and— most importantly— in ourselves. What could life be like if we looked through the lens of peace that says “I am whole, I am complete, I am enough, I am worthy of my own self love and admiration”?
Turning Outward
What if when something bad happened to someone, we took that person and encircled them with love and told them all the ways they had enriched our lives and all the good that they had done? What if I could do that in my circle of influence? What if it were OK to just be me? Can we come together as fellow beings walking this earth and find the space to hold different perspectives, not right nor wrong, just different and equally valid?
What would it be like?